Here you will find a collection of films written and Directed by me. From Short Films to music videos. Both current completed and in development projects will be found here. Directing, as laborious as it may often be, is the ultimate creative endeavour. Typically, I’ll write a script and manage the entire production from that point – doing shot lists, scene breakdowns, shooting schedules etc., making sure things go a smoothly as possible shoot day. My background in postproduction also allows me to also act as VFX supervisor on set. Of course, nothing goes to plan on a film set, but this reality is only part of the challenge that lends to the medium’s exceptional gratification.
Soul To Body
A ghostly Infatuation
Directed by: Brenton Richards
Cinematography by: Sammy Azero
Starring: Tru Wilki, Leesha Cole,
The long awaited New single grom Tru Wilki. Soul TYo Body tells the story of love transcending, time, space and mortality.
Also check our blog for a Q &A with the artist! Enjoy!
Released Date: March 2018